education is everything
The education sector has continued to contribute to infrastructural development in Gokwe North this year. The major activities for 2020 have been construction of 6 classroom blocks and 3 teachers’ houses at some of the most disadvantaged primary schools in Gokwe North. The sector has gone ahead to support informal education and income generating projects at these schools including construction of 3 fowl runs. ADRA continued with school feeding program for ECDs and grade one pupils in the year at 26 schools in Gokwe North and Zvishavane.
Did you Know?
Wealth in the Soil Project
WITS is a three-year project (June 2018 to July 2021), targeting 2159 primary & 9800 secondary beneficiaries in Bubi - wards 11 & 16: Goromonzi - wards 1,2, 4 & 16 and Umguza - wards 7,9,14 & 19. The project is promoting sustainable food production, livelihood opportunities mainstreaming gender equality and social inclusion.
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COVID-19 Food Security Recovery Project
The main objective of this project is to contribute to the nutritional health of vulnerable target populations in Zimbabwe in partnership with the SDA church. Through this project, the integration of food production with health care will boost immunity and allow better recovery to COVID-19. The main approach that is used in this project is Trainer of Trainers (TOTs) on Climate smart vegetable production. The project targets to cascade the training to a minimum of 900 households in Zimbabwe. ADRA Zimbabwe distributed different vegetable seedlings to all the TOTs to kickstart their vegetable production.
School Feeding Initiative (SFI)
Through home-grown school feeding initiatives (HGSFI), the project capacitates schools to produce their own food and be engaged in agricultural income generating activities which will result in schools being food self-sufficient in the mid-to-long-term. Also in collaborating with the parent, Ministries of Primary and Secondary education (MoPSE) and Health and Child Care (MoHCC), the project targets to reach out to 5 346 (2699 boys : 2647 girls) learners with mid-morning wet meals of Fortified Rice and Soya over 205. The beneficiaries are Early Child Development and grade 1 learner in 26 selected schools in Gokwe North and Zvishavane. Participatory implementation, capacity building of schools in the project is envisaged to achieve the following outcomes;
Planting Seeds for Strong Communities (PSSC)
The project seeks to establish a sustainable home-grown school feeding program in the target 5 schools in Gokwe North provide a safety net and eliminate chronic hunger amongst 2671 learners while stimulating the local agricultural economy in Gokwe North District. The objective of the project is in line with Rise Against Hunger’s Empowering Communities Portfolio aimed at ‘eliminating chronic hunger and malnutrition around the world through sustainable community development that addresses the drivers of food insecurity’.
Comprehensive Education Project in Gokwe North
The Comprehensive Education Project (CEP) is working with satellite primary schools in rural Gokwe North. Satellite schools are schools established to reduce children’s walking distances to school, and are often without infrastructure, often characterised by pole and mud huts as classrooms and teacher accommodation.
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Lean Season Assistance
Start and end date: August 2020- April 2021
Project Location (District): Zvishavane, Binga & Gweru
The Lean Season Assistance (LSA) programme is an emergency response to drought related food insecurity in rural Zimbabwe.
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GOFAR 2 Project
The GOFAR 2 project is a USAID funded project being implemented in Gokwe North District. The goals of this project is to better the livelihoods of people in Gokwe through livestock breed improvement, rehabilitation of water sources and through empowerment in form of activities such as village loans associations.
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