
The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in Zimbabwe in 2020 worked in 6 provinces covering 15 districts as depicted on the map below:

The 5 sectors covered by ADRA responds to the global targets under Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 17 and the 4 Zimbabwe ZIMASSET strategic clusters Food security and nutrition, social services and poverty eradication, infrastructure and utilities and value addition and beneficiation. The bulk of the beneficiaries received life- saving food assistance under the relief and recovery sector as response by government and its partners to drought induced hunger under the Food and Nutrition security ZIMASSET pillar which feeds into achievement of SDG2. The food security and livelihoods sector contributed to the same pillar and SDG by promoting agricultural productivity and market linkages. Close to a hundred thousand beneficiaries benefited from water provision and hygiene promotion under the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector. This sector became even more critical in the face of COVID- 19.

COVID- 19 Response

COVID- 19 dominated world news and negatively affected all life dimensions with heavy dents on the economic, education and health sectors.



The education sector has continued to contribute to infrastructural development in Gokwe North this year.

Food security and livelihoods

The sector operated in 7 districts Goromonzi, Umguza, Bubi, Gokwe North, Zvishavane, Binga and Mbire.


Relief and Recovery

The relief and recovery efforts were aimed at reducing the effects of drought experienced in the 2018/19/20 season which left an estimated 5.5 million people in need for food assistance.

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

The WASH sector with the support from UNICEF, the WFP and other partners managed to address some of the key challenges in the sector including water shortages and knowledge gaps


Health and Nutrition

Across the projects ADRA mainstreamed COVID- 19 response. ADRA in the districts of operation was among the first organizations to partner with the government to raise awareness for COVID19 in the remotest parts of the districts.