Comprehensive Education Project in Gokwe North

Improving learning environment for children

The Comprehensive Education Project (CEP) is working with satellite primary schools in rural Gokwe North. Satellite schools are schools established to reduce children’s walking distances to school, and are often without infrastructure, often characterised by pole and mud huts as classrooms and teacher accommodation. The CEP is therefore working to improve the learning environment for 1,800 children by constructing school infrastructure, and the provision of safe and comfortable classroom furniture. The project is also constructing teachers’ housing and administration offices to allow for the registration of these schools as fully fledged schools and exam centres. The project also assisted in identifying disadvantaged out of school children and offered them with a second chance to education. These children were provided with uniforms, stationery, and a conducive learning environment. To support the sustainability of these initiatives the project also supported the establishment of school poultry projects aimed at generating income for the schools.